Are pbn gray hat seo. Why risk losing your pbn that you put tons of time and handwork over just because you left a stupid link footprint. Are pbn gray hat seo

 Why risk losing your pbn that you put tons of time and handwork over just because you left a stupid link footprintAre pbn gray hat seo Black hat is a very broad term, and in reality most SEO's are using black or grey hat tactics (and some wouldn't even know)

However, you can. These days, building a PBN takes a lot of effort and some sneaky tricks to avoid detection. A PBN (Private Blog Network) is one of the most advanced link building techniques. Black hat SEO methods include non-ethical practices of ranking in search engines, like using your own website network to create. Some of the advantages of using PBN: That's how I learned about TB Solutions domains. Si tu sitio web es nuevo te será muy complicado competir contra los que llevan más tiempo en tu sector, lo cual te puede llegar a frustrar, y consideres utilizar métodos que para Google son altamente penalizables, es. It’s a. and yes, it involves GSC integration but I use different Google accounts for each site. The word on the street is that they are far too risky, too expensive and time consuming. Unfortunately, going against search engine guidelines might get you penalized. Black hat is a very broad term, and in reality most SEO's are using black or grey hat tactics (and some wouldn't even know). Both of these definitions have a commonality. domain registrar tricks. In theory, PBN links create a degree of authority for the primary website. Advertise With US; Submit Your Site; About US; Top 10 Gray Hat SEO Techniques Rank Quickly In 2022. What Is Grey Hat SEO? Whereas white hat SEO refers to “good” practices and black hat SEO refers to “bad” practices, grey hat SEO sits somewhere in between. Using PBNs is a grey-hat SEO tactic which must be avoided. I'm not sure why people on BHW treat PBNs as seperate things. , but he was my main link for all SEO things and the idea sounded to me very daring back in the day, where people were leaving the idea that link farms were a thing anymore After 10 years, I still see that the PBN concept is still completely misconceived. Your traffic grows and site’s ranking rises. PBN Pros and Cons. Ideally, every page and blog post you publish should offer visitors value. For. They may seek out SEO experts in order to buy links to manipulate their website rankings. Advantages include:Gray Hat SEO is an SEO practice that’s riskier than White Hat SEO, but one that may or may not result in your site being banned from search engines and their affiliate sites. Safety should be your main concern with gray-hat activities that could be flagged by Google (e. Use different browser while doing backlinks. And if it could work for your website. A PBN will provide a contextual link (more valuable than a 301) and, assuming it's taken care of, will grow authority over time. Sebab teknik ini masuk dalam ranah abu-abu yang dikenal dengan Grey Hat Method. Building a microsite or blog can be a grand strategy to generate backlink s for your primary website. Hi everyone, which techniques would you consider as grey hat seo? How would you define PBN and link building? i hope this is the right section to. Stands for Private Blog. TLD PBN (Top-level domain Private Blog Network) Method: Building an unique blog network costs a lot, according to my calculations. Web 2. One of the widely used techniques is buying expired domains (also known as domain grabbing) which still works like a charm if done carefully. on the post-PBN guest posting bandwagon and try to meet the emerging demand independent site builders had for white-hat SEO. Depending on how you use common sense and best practices, they can be good or bad. SEO is the practice of adhering to search engine rules, working within parameters to. These unethical tactics don’t solve for the searcher and often end in a penalty from search engines. That is a good indicator that they are using a PBN. On a good PBN you should be looking to spend per domain. PBN Advantages & Risks. This term was taken from Western movies to distinguish the “bad guys” from the “good. Optimizing for click through rates. PBN Fundamentals. It is remotely similar to the construction of a PBN mesh, but there are a number of differences, which we will discuss below. Tapi kalau Anda merahasiakan tanpa ada yang mengetahuinya serta berusaha menutupi jejak sehingga Google tidak. Gray hat SEO falls in between, using techniques that might be questionable but aren't explicitly forbidden. Your private blog networks should be built like real blogs to offer value to the web. Cloaking. What is Gray Hat SEO? Figure 1: The Risks of Implementing Gray Hat SEO Practices for Websites. Next Last. In the world of grey hat or black hat SEO, using PBNs can theoretically improve your website’s search results. If the person built the PBN right, you will not see any reason why the site is ranking. This comes in between Black and White Hat SEO. Of course in the real world, things aren’t so black and white (hence the birth of so-called ‘grey-hat’ SEO). Comes back to competition and money at the top of a keyword with a pbn, So maintenance very important and that cost money fighting your competition, everyone today wants a piece of. It straddles the two worlds of black hat and white hat, but it most commonly involves SEO strategy that uses a PBN of some kind. METASERP GUEST POST LINK 2023 - TRAFFIC UPTO 100K II DR 30+ II RD 1000+ AT BEST PRICES . Although it may sound like an effective way to boost your website’s rankings, the truth is that using PBNs as part of your SEO strategy can land you in hot water with search engines. With PBNs as the go-to link building tactic for gray hat SEOs, because its neither black hat nor white hat tactics, but are they worth building from an ROI (Return on Investment) perspective? Gray Hat SEO is a blurred line where it is not a technique that you would inform a search engine you were doing, but not necessarily an automatic penalty if you are caught. SEO Tools; Services. Para pemilik web yang lain kemudian memanfaatkan domain tersebut untuk membangun situs PBN. You fire that SEO company and hire another one. The more people who click on your results on Google, the better you’ll rank. Gray Hat SEO Kya Hai: ग्रे हैट एसईओ, व्हाइट हैट एसईओ और ब्लैक हैट एसईओ के बीच का रास्ता है, जो आपकी साइट की रैंकिंग को बढ़ाने में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है।Grey hat #SEO uses questionable strategies that aren’t banned by Google. PBN links (the good ones at least) are very powerful, and if you're going to pay for them you're wasting both your money and their power if you point them to useless / 3rd party sites. The use of SEO strategies and tactics that blur the line between white-hat and black-hat methods. If the expired domain is not pertinent, you could easily enter the grey area of. Private Blog Network, disingkat PBN adalah kumpulan website atau blog yang dibuat, digunakan, dan dikelola untuk keperluan rantai tautan (link chain) dengan tier atau strata yang bertingkat-tingkat. Thousands of Google Dorks List. The Proper SEO Group is the ultimate grey hat discussion community. Using doorway pages. Recently, Google has said it won’t penalize sites for obtaining the paid backlink, but simply devalue the backlink. Obviously make the site look like a real one. Situation A. If you decide to use the domain to try to boost other domains’ rankings, that would be considered gray hat. If you already are acquainted with SEO, you probably know that the techniques and tactics used to improve traffic are divided into three categories: White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO, and Grey Hat SEO. Here are some search strings to help you find these link building golden nuggets: “donate” + “add your link”. A Private Blog Network (PBN) is a collection of websites and blogs used for link building. Web 2. White Hat SEO (SEO mũ trắng), Black Hat SEO (SEO mũ đen) và Grey Hat SEO (SEO mũ xám) là những thuật ngữ được sử dụng dựa theo hình ảnh trong các bộ phim ở phương Tây từ những năm 1920. Hal ini dapat membuat Anda kehilangan traffic dan hilang. Grey hat SEO refers to optimization strategies, techniques, and tactics that are not clearly defined as white hat or black hat. 24. Low cost, but not cheap – Black Hat SEO is highly focused on tools, the tool cost can really add up, you can easily spend $500-$1,000 USD per month. PBNs are low-quality websites that exist for one purpose only. Imagine. In an idea world, all SEOs would like to say - with hand on heart - that they only ever use white-hat SEO tactics and won’t go near the mirky and sinister world of black-hat SEO. Using a Private Blogging Network (PBN. Faux reviews. 7. 1. If the ip is different then go for it. PBNs are low-quality websites that exist for one purpose only. However, if done correctly in conjunction with white hat SEO, you can reap significant benefits in a short period of time. Social bookmarking submissions, low-quality directories. These are bad news. If you’re thinking that buying expired domains is a common practice that some consider black hat / Grey hat, you’ve got it. A PBN only exists to link to a central website to influence that website’s rankings in the search engines. This makes it a black-hat SEO tactic. This is the basic definition of gray hat SEO. Grey hat SEO refers to a set of search engine optimization tactics that fall somewhere between white hat and black hat SEO techniques. Kami adalah jasa backlink dengan harga murah dan berkualitas. Thousands of Google Dorks List. 6. In simple words, Grey Hat SEO can be a riskier practice than White hat SEO – but it might still avoid getting your website penalised by search engines and their affiliated. Once you find a site you think is ranking with a PBN, search the internet for sites linking to the domain in Google. ) - don't link PBN to PBN - Don't 301 redirect on all sites to keep link juice - use a script to implement in . Beli Backlinks 3. With Google’s ever-increasing emphasis on. PBNs. We can see that in Q1 of 2023, the PBN building really picked up. You might’ve heard that using a PBN is a black hat SEO strategy. No; don’t buy backlinks from unverifiable sources, PBNs, cheap link building services, and link farms. 1. Nevertheless, lightning-fast success doesn't last long, because. Ada banyak sekali update Algoritma yang. These techniques are called black hat as they are against the search engine guidelines laid out by Google. Most SEO experts have an opinion on what works and what does not work. Overall, using private blog networks is bad for SEO. Here you’re doing things that may push the boundaries a little but when done carefully can give. Private Blog Networks are a group of sites that you control and use to create backlinks to your “money site”. “donate” + “links below”. The point of a PBN is to improve the authority of member websites, giving them a headstart in search engines. If you have some free time to test if PBN Backlinks can bring anything good to your business, you can consider buying PBN backlinks. Cloaking Fundamentals. PBN sebenarnya adalah strategi SEO black hat. The Proper SEO Group is the ultimate grey hat discussion community. They are built from a network of blogs and websites which are inter-connected. How PBN or Private blog network actually works? Some may find the structure of PBN very complicated. Someone purchased an expired domain and merged it to his money site. How can I identify if a website is part of a PBN? Common signs include thin or duplicated content, irrelevant topics, many outbound links, and similar website designs or structures. SEO Guide; SMM Guide; About (D)Habibi; Blog; Get in Touch; How to, SEO,Dalam dunia SEO, teknik PBN sudah banyak digunakan sejak lama. You’ll learn at what phases to send guest post links, outreach for link insertions when to use the skyscraper technique (popularized by Brian Dean), about link diversity, and more. Google does not index low-quality blogs anymore. You’ll be using high-quality backlinks because you are in total control of the content. For example, you could hide a link by making the text white and placing it on a white background. Meskipun teknik ini sudah digunakan secara umum selama bertahun-tahun, namun penggunaannya masih memiliki resiko. A real guest post simply means a post on a real site/blog made for human readers, ideally with some reputation in the niche and/or good metrics. Website. A Private. Grey Hat SEO. Black Hat SEO is the manipulation of search results against a search engine's natural algorithm. If the pbn owners leak footprints, or don't cover their. . Avoid providers that use black hat techniques or promise unrealistic results. . This is where the acronym PBN comes into play. This Blog is very Beneficial. Black hat SEO is the act of manipulating search engines in order to rank higher faster. DRACO NICHE PBN LINKS - DA 50+ - RD UPTO 1000+ - DR 10+ II SSL BLOGS AT 30$ / POST. White hat SEO follows the quality guidelines of search engines like Google and does not engage in spam methods to manipulate the algorithm. that's an opportunity to build backlinks even for high-competitive gray niches when you have no. Go to our affiliate SEO guide for related SEO tips. **SPECIAL LAUNCH SALE DISCOUNT** Global SEO Grey Hat Ranking Packages THE HUGE UNSEEN PROBLEM WITH SEO's Now we all know PBNs work. PBN for SEO and backlinks follow two methods. Navigating the blurry lines between white, grey and black-hat. PBN management is time consuming. Step 2 – Withstand a manual review by taking the trouble to make each site of your PBN look as real and genuine as possible, by following steps below. 9. Find all the videos of the SEO Fu. Summary. SEO Grey Hat lebih sulit untuk didefinisikan. Home Main Forum List Black Hat SEO White Hat SEO BHW Newbie Guide Blogging Black Hat Tools Social Networking Downloads. - PBN is more black hat than GP - PBN must be maintained over time, not GP - PBN is probably cheaper, and requires more skills. Every PBN site links to another site it wants to boost in the search results. How to not get caught, there is not a once size fits all thing for that but, read the above about footprints and frequency of posting and you should be able to get an idea. I love using PBN's myself and they work for me. White Hat vs Black Hat vs Grey Hat SEO. But the question is: Are they worth building from an ROI (Return on Investment) and a ROT (Return on Time) perspective?What is a PBN? A PBN is essentially a network of websites employed to feed external inbound links to a primary website. It is best to focus on white hat SEO strategies that provide long-term and sustainable results. The risks of using a private blog network far outweigh the benefits and can cause serious damage to your SEO and reputation. 0 Sites can decrease that risk. 3. Now let’s take a look at the most popular gray hat search engine optimization techniques in use today. Grey Hat SEO is the third Hat in the collection, but this time it is in grey. Visit my page on what is grey hat SEO to learn more about this search engine optimization strategy. ranking techniques. While they aren’t yet banned by search engines, they may be in the future. But, could become black hat SEO in the future. Risk 100 :. Gray Hat Seo Advantage. 0 sites to those that have. To avoid a Google penalty, be sure to avoid any of the six common black hat SEO tactics listed below. These cute little fluffballs are not aggressive enough to bite Google to a point that they are bleeding. . What is Grey Hat SEO? Some tactics fall between white and black hat SEO - these are referred to as “grey hat” techniques. What is a grey hat seo? Gray hat SEO is an SEO practice that combines white hat and black hat SEO. It’s very gray hat, and it’s not something that we suggest. Grey Hat SEO is a tactic that involves using unethical tactics to rank websites. If you competitors have crappy spun backlinks, then you need to find better links. How can I identify if a website is part of a PBN? Common signs include thin or duplicated content, irrelevant topics, many outbound links, and similar website designs or structures. Unsuitable. If you have been into search engine optimization for a while, you may be well aware of various types of SEO which are primarily: White hat SEO-White hat SEO deals with good SEO practices that follow Google rules. but the most important thing is your authority and trust. In most cases, web 2. Meskipun tidak melanggar peraturan yang ada, taktik ini tetap memiliki beberapa risiko. There are other methods to find higher quality expired domains for free than the one I expose, but they take a lot more time, and this guide is geared towards the most effective way to a valuable PBN, with the minimum amount of time and money involved. If you want information about Grey Hat SEO then you can read this blog. So fire up your questions and let me know if I can be of any help in your PBN hustling journey. These techniques are not necessarily against the guidelines of search engines, but they are not completely ethical either. Strategi Gray Hat SEO adalah kombinasi dari White Hat SEO & Black Hat SEO. PBN - dropped ranking. Grey hat marketing is a combination of commonly accepted SEO techniques, such as paying someone to write an article for your. ☑ Steer clear of black hat SEO such as hacking, malware, and link injections. Using Private Blog Networks (PBN) StudySection has a long list of certification exams that it offers through its online platform. But I certainly expected it. CryptoBrooke Prendergast, 2017 There is a lot of bad press to be found on the topic of Private Blog Networks. One of the biggest cons is the cost of developing and maintaining a network. i see, that makes sense. Which means that as long as a PBN is not detected, everythingʼs good. Yet. Di atas kertas, teknik PBN termasuk dalam kategori abu-abu (grey hat). Purchasing fake links is a serious offense and it can lead to a penalty for violating digital marketing regulations. In general, the SEO public is more tolerant to them as they do not really harm anyone although gray hat SEO definitely isn’t “playing by the book”. As opposed to oversaturation, which is a characteristic of Black Hat SEO, Grey Hat SEO tactics involve filling content with relevant keywords and phrases. Grey Hat SEO is simply a combination of both Black and White Hat SEO. Teknik ini juga dianggap sebagai Grey Hat Method dalam SEO. Creating Content That Doesn’t Offer Value. Top 10 des techniques de SEO Gray Hat. . Pendapat pakar dan pengguna strategi SEO pun berbeda-beda terkait efektivitas serta risikonya. If you believe in the long-term efficacy and sustainability of your online brand, don't even give mindshare to a PBN. And Google would love you to think in terms of good and evil, but what we’re talking about today is the people who sort of stand in the middle. Microsites are similar in a way, except for two key components. Negative SEO attacks are when a black-hat SEO link points toxic backlinks towards another website. PBN backlinks, especially those built lazily, pose a high risk of being penalized by Google. On the one hand, PBN backlinks provide a seemingly effortless link-building alternative. Publishing Copied or Plagiarized Content. For example, translating content, AI etc. There are ways to identify a PBN, like having a similar backlink profile, similar themes, duplicated content, and more. 301 Redirect. For example. Let's say you are. Gray Hat SEO techniques are actually Black Hat SEO masquerading as white. Semua pengerjaan jasa backlink murah kami sampai saat ini 100% aman dan bebas dari penalty Google. Tìm hiểu gốc rễ của Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO và Gray Hat SEO. Be wary of link building providers that use black hat techniques such as buying low. You might’ve heard that using a PBN is a black hat SEO strategy. PBN backlinks are actually a black hat SEO strategy, but if you keep it truly private without anyone knowing about it, and you cover your tracks so that Google. coWhat are gray hat SEO techniques? You may have heard of white hat SEO and black hat SEO. This practice seeks to exploit loopholes in Google's guidelines and policies. 1. The definition of PBN backlinks lies in their nature as a grey hat SEO technique. There is no gray area. Quality content, outreach, and technical optimisation are ethical and legal SEO practises. Participating in a Private Blog Network (PBN) Is Gray Hat SEO worth it? Results depend on the quality of domains where the PBN sites are hosted. I have a white hat site that I'm slowly building up. Navigating the blurry lines between white, grey and black-hat. All right, so until next time, go out there, and do SEO the right way, and hire the right firms. Secara singkat, Grey Hat SEO adalah gabungan antara black hat dan juga white hat. To get high rankings you have to provide high-quality organic content to your. You don't have enough knowledge to start creating your own PBN. It’s a mixture of white hat and black hat techniques. Link Buying. I never bought PBN links yet, I bought "SEO" Services which turned out to. But you have to check the quality of the PBN before you make purchase. Most Popular Grey Hat SEO Techniques. Reaction score. For example, if you run 100 content farms or a PBN with 100 sites, or maybe your SEO techniques is not that black but with a little gray, like buying back links or using translated contents. The Google algorithm knows about these sites, so it simply neutralizes any links coming. Sadly, over time, it started to be applied as a subpar SEO strategy. You can use tactics that can (and, let’s be honest, do) work. Gray hat SEO is neither black hat nor white hat, but something in the middle. This course is divided into three sections: 1- Basic training, in which we will cover all the fundamentals of black hat SEO. Definition. Foundation — Before you Start being Aggressive . Digital Marketing Gray Hat SEO What is Gray Hat SEO? Is that good for the website? Last updated on April 14th, 2023 by RGB Web Tech In this guide, we’ll answer. BHW limits up to 10 files per thread. On-Page SEO. Keyword stuffing on web pages. Crime frog; Media item; Oct 7, 2023; general pbn guest post hq pbn backlinks niche blogs backlinks pbn traffic blogs. Saturation of Content with Keywords. Gray hat SEO is riskier than white hat SEO because it exploits search engine guidelines to increase the ranking of a page in SERPs. . PBN (private blog network) Frequently Asked Questions Should You Use Grey Hat SEO Techniques? Related Reads What Is Grey Hat SEO? Grey hat SEO. Only legit contextual links so far. . Jun 14, 2023. PBN (private blog network) is a term used to describe a particular black-hat type of website (or group of websites), built purely to place links on with no regard for human readers. In the context of private blog networks, it's crucial to recognize gray hat strategies and understand their implications for your PBN. PBN 4. 5. They are similar to PBN and tend to have low-quality content, low incoming and similarly, low social signals. By Aaron Gray. In simpler words, the meaning of white hat SEO. Why Would Someone Buy PBN Backlinks? Not every person who decides to use a PBN creates their own network. These days, building a PBN takes a lot of effort and some sneaky tricks to avoid detection. Ini mengangkangi dua dunia Black Hat dan White Hat, tetapi paling sering melibatkan strategi SEO yang menggunakan semacam PBN. One of the tactics they employ is building PBN backlinks. 45. Jetpack is introduced Open Ai in wordpress, its like chatgpt, it will help in creating good content. In simpler words, the meaning of white hat SEO. It’s no wonder, that so many small business. What You Can Do. Many PBN collectors end up opening backlink services. Using White Hat SEO strategies in your content is accepted by Google, while Black Hat SEO is not. Keyword Research. Tujuan PBN dalam praktik SEO grey hat adalah untuk menautkan ke satu domain pusat dan memberikan ekuitas tautan paling banyak ke sana agar otoritasnya meningkat. A grey hat SEO is employing technical legal procedures for the site’s ranking. Hence, it is essential for search engine marketers to stay updated with the latest categories. The middle is a little shakier ground than most, especially after the most recent changes to one of our favorite grey hat devices: PBNs. Grey 9 Tips for Using Grey Hat SEO Without Getting Penalized - SEO blogs for beginners | SEO blog tips | SEO blog examples Gray Hat SEO is the latest one method to get rank on any search engine. Understanding Gray Hat SEO. A. You are confusing two types of links with each other 1) Tier link building 2) PBN backlinks 1) Tier Backlinks: Tier 3 backlinks >> tier 2 backlinks >> tier 1 backlinks >> Money website Tier backlinks can be comment backlinks, web2. The wording has been received in different businesses as the years progressed, prominently security. - Sometimes make wordpress site, sometimes html, php, sometimes php site. seems like I didn't explain myself well. posting to your pbn. How do PBNs work? PBNs make it seem as though a website has “earned” links from other websites on merit. Remember: A good PBN has more than 1 blog and do not scrape shit, do not spin articles either. At LaunchCDN, we will make sure that your PBN hosting has no footprints as we've been building PBNs ourselves since 2014. Although white hat SEO methods are the ones you should strive to use, you may find some black hat and gray hat techniques tempting. Treat a link exchange like any backlink opportunity or site audit. Step 1 – Minimize your overall PBN footprints across all your sites collectively, by following all steps below. A Black Hat SEO strategy always ends up with a penalization and the disappearance of the website from search results. Gray hat adalah praktik SEO yang berada di antara teknik white hat dan black hat. Understand the differences between white hat and black/grey. Results depend on the quality of domains where the PBN sites are hosted. Since the ownership is masked they can create links to your site and they appear to search engines as organic, natural links. Gray Hat SEO is strategies in the blurry lines between black hat SEO and white hat SEO. If you are using domain vendors, the cost will be similar. Checking Backlink Quality of a Domain. Even if I made an one, all those blogs need to renew each year, and I need hosting for each of them. Gray Hat Seo का फायदा है SERP में अच्छी रैंक प्राप्त कर सकते है। Gray Hat Seo तकनीकों करने पर आपको इसके परिणाम कम समय में ही प्राप्त हो जाते है। PBN SEO is a hugely technical aspect of hosting that tends to cover the tracks of private blog networks from Google Algorithms and giving the PBNs a boost. 50 per RD. (PBN) is a network of websites created solely to link out to another website and improve its organic search. Unlike White Hat SEO, which focuses on creating quality content and following search engine guidelines, Gray Hat SEO can be risky and may lead to penalties or bans from search engine results. + Follow. Grey Hat SEO is in the middle between. The aim of a PBN is to improve your money site rankings by creating links from the sites you create. Black hat SEO refers to the use of strategies, techniques, and tactics that violate a search engine's guidelines. Black Hat SEO . PBN SEO tips for 2021. PBN Fundamentals. » Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Link Building for Affiliate Marketing » What is PBN in SEO? 1,082,534 subscribers. Some SEO techniques that do not fall into either black hat SEO or white hat SEO are often called gray hat SEO. Bisa dibilang bahwa Gray Hat SEO adalah teknik memanfaatkan metode-metode sedikit “licik” tetapi belum dilarang secara eksplisit oleh search engine. Jul 2, 2021. Using Link Farms, Link Wheels/ Link Pyramid or PBN. Optimizing sites and blogs through the use of on-page SEO techniques to improve the web positioning of your pages and positioning your company in the first results of Google. The lowlife wore a Black hat. You can also Cloudways to host your PBNs. In the SEO world, there are two types of practitioners: those who engage in black hat SEO tactics, and those who follow white hat strategies. Dari sekian banyak strategi SEO, PBN adalah salah satu yang cukup kontroversial. Gunakan Expired Domain 2. If all of the site owners are the same, it’s obvious the blogs are connected. Thread starter seooes0; Start date Jun 14, 2023; 1; 2; Next. Now, here's what you really came to read: How to Rank With PBN Links in 2019 I still have a large focus on SEO - it's still got the same great ROI as it always has, it's just always harder and harder to do every single year. But since all SEO experts use it, many people consider it as white hat already. Grey hat SEO is riskier than white hat SEO because it exploits the search engine guidelines to increase a page’s rankings on the SERPs. Key-word Stuffing, and so forth. i see many sites ranking with a handful of links in top of page 1 once they reach about a year old. For example, creating quality content (white hat) and buying backlinks to it (black hat). PBN sebenarnya adalah black hat SEO. Cloaking. The penalty for using link farm links isn’t usually that high. #5. These days, building a PBN takes a lot of effort and some sneaky tricks to avoid detection. Aside from the risk of having all my rankings removed, many are considered criminal activities. 6. so why let bingbot crawl or even index my pbn sites? there's no need. White Hat vs. The use of Private Blog Networks (PBNs) is a gray hat SEO tactic that has been employed by some SEO practitioners in the past. Cloaking. Grey Hat SEO is a combination of white hat and black hat approaches used to improve your website's ranking with minimum risks. That purpose is to have Google and other search engines crawl the website and pick up on the external. Black hat SEO practitioners use unethical methods to improve their website’s search engine rankings. Black hat techniques include keyword stuffing, cloaking, and using private link networks.